What we will cover

    1. Reducing the Stress in Our Mind and Body for better wellbeing

    2. Overview - Why "Sustainable Self Care"?

    3. Overview - Meet your Guide

    4. Overview - What will we be experiencing :

    5. Overview - Objectives

    6. Overview - Outcomes

    7. What are your personal intentions for participating in this course?

    1. Delving in...

    2. A moment of Pause - Centering

    3. Typical definitions self care

    4. Typical approaches to self care

    5. A moment of Pause - Awareness of Breath

    6. What is Stress? - Definitions

    7. What is Stress? - Types (Eustress & Distress)

    8. What is Stress? - Types (Physiological & Psychological)

    9. What is Stress? - Types (Acute Stress)

    10. What is Stress? - Types (Episodic Acute Stress)

    11. What is Stress? - Types (Chronic Stress)

    12. What is Stress? - Types (Emotional Stress)

    13. What is Stress? - Types (Burnout)

    14. Types of Stress that you might experience

    15. Summary of Common Strategies to Alleviate Stress

    16. Common Strategies that support you in Alleviating Stress

    17. A moment of Pause - Coping Breathing Space

    18. Self Care & Stress - Defining "Coping" & "Managing"

    19. Self Care & Stress - Defining "Regulating" & "Modulating"

    20. Week #1 : Home Experiments

    1. Introducing the "Self" in Self Care

    2. A moment of Pause : Body Scan

    3. Understanding the "Self" in Self Care - A framework

    4. Introducing the Framework - Emergenetics

    5. Caring for Self from the Behavioural Attributes - Understanding Preferences

    6. Behavioural Attributes - The Expressiveness Spectrum

    7. The Expressiveness Spectrum - Where might I be?

    8. Self Care Strategies from the Expressiveness Spectrum

    9. Behavioural Attributes - The Assertiveness Spectrum

    10. The Assertiveness Spectrum - Where might I be?

    11. Self Care Strategies from the Assertiveness Spectrum

    12. Behavioural Attributes - The Flexibility Spectrum

    13. The Flexibility Spectrum - Where might I be?

    14. Self Care Strategies from the Flexibility Spectrum

    15. Drafting a Self Care Action Plan through the Behavioural Attributes

    16. Self Care through Behavioural Attributes - Case Study #1

    17. Self Care through Behavioural Attributes - Case Study #2

    18. Self Care through Behavioural Attributes - Case Study #3

    19. Self Care through Behavioural Attributes - Case Study #4

    20. Self Care through Behavioural Attributes - Case Study #5

    21. Self Care through Behavioural Attributes - Case Study #6

    22. Reviewing your Self Care Action Plan through the Behavioural Attributes

    1. A moment of Pause - Awareness of Breath

    2. Caring for Self from the Thinking Attributes

    3. Thinking Attributes - A preference for Analytical Thinking

    4. Thinking Attributes - A preference for Structural Thinking

    5. Thinking Attributes - A preference for Social Thinking

    6. Thinking Attributes - A preference for Conceptual Thinking

    7. Drafting a Self Care Action Plan through the Thinking Attributes

    8. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #1

    9. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #2

    10. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #3

    11. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #4

    12. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #5

    13. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #6

    14. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #7

    15. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #8

    16. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #9

    17. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #10

    18. Self Care through Thinking Attributes - Case Study #11

    19. Reviewing your Self Care Action Plan through the Thinking Attributes

    1. A moment of Pause - Mindful Movements

    2. Combining Thinking & Behavioural Attributes to understand Self, to Care better - A Case Study

    3. Week #2 : Home Experiments

    1. What we will be covered during this segment?

    2. A moment of Pause - Mindful Sensing & Perceiving

    3. What does it mean to "care"?

    4. Defining & Demonstrating Compassion

    5. A moment of Pause - Mindful Walking

    6. Enhancing Awareness through Johari's Window

    7. Alleviating Stress in our Mind by Drawing Boundaries from the perspective of the Expressiveness Spectrum

    8. Alleviating Stress in our Mind by Drawing Boundaries from the perspective of the Assertiveness Spectrum

    9. Alleviating Stress in our Mind by Drawing Boundaries from the perspective of the Flexibility Spectrum

    10. Alleviating Stress in our Mind by Drawing Boundaries from the perspective of the Analytical Thinking Spectrum

    11. Alleviating Stress in our Mind by Drawing Boundaries from the perspective of the Structural Thinking Spectrum

    12. Alleviating Stress in our Mind by Drawing Boundaries from the perspective of the Social Thinking Spectrum

    13. Alleviating Stress in our Mind by Drawing Boundaries from the perspective of the Conceptual Thinking Spectrum

    14. Drafting Self Care Action Plan through Awareness of Boundaries

    15. A word of Thanks & Gratitude & A moment of Pause - Loving Kindness

    16. Enhancing Awareness through Mindfulness

    17. Enhancing Compassion - Strategies to be more Compassionate to Self and to Others

About this course

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  • 91 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content

Discover your personalised sustainable self care programme today!

Through self awareness & self compassion